Starter quiz

  • Order the features in the order you would find them in a persuasive advert.
    • 1
    • 2
      Opening (rhetorical question)
    • 3
      Happy and Healthy - Paragraph 1
    • 4
      Happy and Healthy - Paragraph 2
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • slogan
      a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising ✓
    • layout
      refers to the way the information is organised on the page ✓
    • publish
      to produce a final, best version that is available to others ✓
  • How can you make the headline appealing to the reader?
    • large font  ✓
    • small font
    • make it colourful  ✓
    • use a linguistic technique  ✓
    • use plain and simple font/colours
  • What does the opening of the persuasive advert contain?
    • detail on the health benefits of the product
    • detail on the taste of the product
    • a rhetorical question to hook the reader  ✓
    • a follow up statement linking to the question  ✓
  • What does paragraph one of the main text focus on in the persuasive advert on chocolate energy balls?
    • detail about the health benefits of the product
    • communicating the unique selling point  ✓
    • focusing on the taste of the product  ✓
    • the slogan
  • What does paragraph two of the main text focus on in the persuasive advert on chocolate energy balls?
    • the opening rhetorical question
    • the health benefits of the product  ✓
    • reinforcing the unique selling point  ✓
    • the taste of the product