Starter quiz

  • Why has a comma been used in this sentence? We could go home, or we could go to the cinema.
    • because it follows an adverbial clause
    • because it follows a co-ordinating conjunction which needs a comma  ✓
    • to separate adjectives in an expanded noun phrase
    • to separate nouns in a list
  • Why has a comma been used in this sentence? As the moon rose, it cast its bright, shimmering light onto the sea.
    • to follow an adverbial clause in an adverbial complex sentence  ✓
    • to separate two adjectives in an expanded noun phrase  ✓
    • to separate nouns in a list
    • to show where a relative clause begins and ends
  • Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly with commas?
    • After we get home we will watch TV.
    • After we get, home we will watch TV.
    • After we get home, we will watch TV.  ✓
  • Which of these relative complex sentences is punctuated correctly with commas?
    • The sun, which was very bright warmed the beach.
    • The sun, which was very bright, warmed the beach.  ✓
    • The sun which was very bright, warmed the beach.
  • A comma is missing from this sentence; what would its purpose be? When it was home time, we collected our bags our coats and our reading books.
    • to separate adjectives in an expanded noun phrase
    • to separate nouns in a list  ✓
    • to follow an adverbial clause
  • Which of the following is not a function of a comma?
    • to show where a relative clause begins and ends
    • to follow an adverbial clause
    • to go before the co-ordinating conjunction 'and'  ✓
    • to separate adjectives in an expanded noun phrase