Starter quiz

  • Tranio's father is called...?
    • Marcus
    • Dion  ✓
    • Lucius
    • Titus
  • What job does Tranio's father have?
    • senator
    • gladiator
    • actor  ✓
    • farmer
  • Which is the correct spelling for the setting of the text?
    • Pompai
    • Pompeii  ✓
    • Pompey
  • What profession does Livia's family have?
    • baker  ✓
    • teacher
    • artist
  • Which mountain is located near to the city of Pompeii?
    • Etna
    • Vesuvius  ✓
    • Somma
  • Sequence the following events from the text in chronological order.
    • 1
      Tranio is staring out of the window, listening to the streets below.
    • 2
      Tranio plays a game of Jacks with Livia.
    • 3
      Tremors shake the earth and damage the theatre.
    • 4
      The sky is darkened by ash.
    • 5
      Mount Vesuvius erupts.