Starter quiz

  • Which of the following sentences may be found in an autobiography?
    • I was born in Trinidad in 1949 and my family moved to England when I was ten.  ✓
    • Floella Benjamin was born in Trinidad in 1949 and moved to England aged 10.
    • Throughout my career, I became a prominent advocate for children's rights.  ✓
    • Throughout her career, she became a prominent advocate for children's rights.
  • Which of the following sentences may be found in a biography?
    • Floella's childhood in Trinidad shaped her perspective.  ✓
    • My childhood in Trinidad had a profound impact on my outlook.
    • She continues to champion equality.  ✓
    • I dedicated myself to becoming a leading advocate for children's rights.
  • Put these sentences into chronological order.
    • 1
      I was born in Trinidad.
    • 2
      When I was ten years old, I moved to England.
    • 3
      As an adult, I became a children's TV presenter.
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • stork
      a tall, long-legged bird ✓
    • latrine
      a basic toilet ✓
    • basin
      a shallow container ✓
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • drought
      prolonged low rainfall ✓
    • concrete
      strong building material ✓
    • standpipe
      public water tap ✓
  • Which of the following texts are usually written in chronological order?
    • poem
    • biography  ✓
    • rap
    • autobiography  ✓
    • description