Starter quiz

  • What is the following an example of? Lions in a population have different levels of jaw strength.
    • natural selection
    • variation  ✓
    • competition
    • evolution
  • What did Darwin notice about the Galapagos finches?
    • Finches on different islands had the same beaks.
    • Finches on different islands had different beaks.  ✓
    • These beaks were well-adapted to the food on each island.  ✓
    • These beaks were poorly-adapted to the food on each island.
  • What kinds of variations become more common due to natural selection?
    • ones which are unhelpful to the individual's survival
    • ones which are helpful to the individual's survival  ✓
    • all of them
  • Why is an unhelpful variation less likely to be passed on to offspring?
    • because it will kill the individual instantly
    • because individuals with unhelpful variations cannot reproduce
    • because the individual is less likely to survive and reproduce  ✓
  • What do we mean if we say a variation helps an individual to be 'more successful'?
    • that they will have no health problems
    • that they will have better access to resources like food and mates  ✓
    • that they will defeat all the other animals
  • Is this statement true or false? The process of evolution takes many generations and can take thousands or millions of years to make significant changes.
    • True ✓
    • False