Starter quiz

  • Which image represents the word 'flawless'?
  • Which image represents the word 'mesmerising'?
  • Select the correct definition for the adjective 'flawless'.
    • perfect or impeccable, like a ballet dancer who never makes a single mistake  ✓
    • very attractive or bewitching, like something that hypnotises and distracts you
    • tall, beautiful, and dignified, like someone who looks as impressive as a statue
  • Select the correct definition for the adjective 'mesmerising'.
    • perfect or impeccable, like a ballet dancer who never makes a single mistake
    • very attractive or bewitching, like something that hypnotises and distracts you  ✓
    • tall, beautiful, and dignified, like someone who looks as impressive as a statue
  • Select the correct definition for the adjective 'statuesque'.
    • perfect or impeccable, like a ballet dancer who never makes a single mistake
    • very attractive or bewitching, like something that hypnotises and distracts you
    • tall, beautiful, and dignified, like someone who looks as impressive as a statue  ✓
  • Match the adjective to the most appropriate word pair.
    • flawless
      reputation ✓
    • mesmerising
      spell ✓
    • statuesque
      pose ✓


  • Q1: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q1: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q1: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith
