Starter quiz

  • What is a hero?
    • a protagonist with noble qualities, often helping others  ✓
    • someone who is famous
    • someone with superpowers
  • Which of the following are characteristics traditionally associated with a hero?
    • They are cowardly, refusing to confront adversity.
    • They go through some transformation or personal growth during the narrative.  ✓
    • They are lazy and have a lack of motivation.
    • They usually come from humble beginnings.  ✓
  • What is characterisation?
    • how an author and illustrator draw the characters
    • how a character's personalities and traits are described and developed  ✓
    • how the characters talk
  • Which character traits does Arthur show in 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'?
    • bravery  ✓
    • intelligence  ✓
    • physical strength
    • silliness
    • caution  ✓
  • True or False? In ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’, there are several characters who might fit the role of a hero.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • True or False? All heroes in stories have the same characteristics.
    • True
    • False ✓