Starter quiz

  • What does 'chronological order' mean?
    • The events in a text are not written in the order in which they happened.
    • The events in a text are written in the order in which they happened.  ✓
    • A text is written in a formal, informative way.
  • Select the purpose of an essay.
    • to inform the reader about a person's life
    • to create suspense for the reader
    • to recount the events of someone's day
    • to inform the reader about a particular topic  ✓
  • Research is...
    • the detailed study of a subject.  ✓
    • the analysis of a text.
    • the editing of a piece of writing.
  • Select the types of non-fiction writing from the list:
    • poem
    • essay  ✓
    • narrative story
    • non-chronological report  ✓
    • journalistic report  ✓
  • Identify the linguistic features of essays:
    • fronted adverbials  ✓
    • personification
    • subject-specific vocabulary  ✓
    • similes
  • Which of these fronted adverbials is not appropriate to use in an essay?
    • However,
    • Consequently,
    • Furthermore,
    • Suddenly,  ✓