Starter quiz

  • Which of these is a feature of a non-chronological report?
    • subheading  ✓
    • rhyming couplets
    • introduction  ✓
    • written in first person
  • What is the last paragraph of a non-chronological report called?
    • section one
    • section two
    • conclusion  ✓
    • introduction
  • 'Intriguingly,' and 'Signifcantly,' are examples of which type of fronted adverbials?
    • formal fronted adverbials
    • fronted adverbials of cause
    • viewpoint fronted adverbials  ✓
  • 'However,' and 'Despite this,' are examples of which type of fronted adverbials?
    • formal fronted adverbials  ✓
    • fronted adverbials of cause
    • viewpoint fronted adverbials
  • Which subordinating conjunction would fill in this blank most appropriately? He rushed his home learning _______ he wanted to play a board game.
    • 'because' ✓
  • Match each linguistic feature to its corresponding examples.
    • subordinating conjunctions
      because, as, when, while ✓
    • subject-specific vocabulary
      wattle and daub, hall house, central hearth ✓
    • fronted adverbials
      Impressively, As a result, In addition to this, ✓
    • co-ordinating conjunctions
      and, but, or ✓