Starter quiz

  • Who is the main character in 'Anansi and the Antelope Baby'?
    • Anansi  ✓
    • Antelope
    • Antelope Baby
  • What is Anansi famous for?
    • the jokes he tells
    • the songs he sings
    • the tricks he plays  ✓
  • What was Anansi doing at the beginning of the story, 'Anansi and the Antelope Baby'?
    • playing tricks on others
    • spinning a spider's web in a bush  ✓
    • sleeping in a bush
  • What problem does Anansi encounter?
    • His web falls apart.
    • A forest fire starts to head towards him.  ✓
    • An animal tries to eat him.
  • What is a prediction?
    • a summary of what has happened so far
    • your opinion on a text
    • a sensible guess about what will happen next  ✓
  • What type of story is 'Anansi and the Antelope Baby'?
    • a magical fairytale
    • an African folktale  ✓
    • a poem
    • a non-fiction information text