Starter quiz

  • What is a moral?
    • a piece of interesting information from a story
    • a lesson that can be learnt from a story  ✓
    • a summary of a story
  • How does Anansi use his trickery in the story of 'Anansi and the Antelope Baby'?
    • for good  ✓
    • for evil
    • for fun
  • Why does Anansi go out of his way to protect Baby Antelope?
    • because he feels sorry for her
    • because he wants to repay the kindness Antelope showed him  ✓
    • because the other animals says he has to
  • How does Antelope's strength help Anansi?
    • She uses her mind to stop the fire.
    • She uses her breath to extinguish the fire.
    • She uses her physical strength to carry Anansi to safety.  ✓
  • How does Anansi's strength help Antelope?
    • He uses his physical strength to attack the hunters.
    • He uses his mental strength to trick the hunters.  ✓
    • He makes a wish that the hunters will go away.
  • True or False? Anansi and Antelope use their different strengths to show kindness and protection to one another.
    • True ✓
    • False