Starter quiz

  • Which character is depicted here?
    • Rhea  ✓
    • Hestia
    • Zeus
    • Poseidon
    • Hades
  • Match the term with an example from Greek myths.
    • Greek god
      Zeus ✓
    • Titan
      Cronus ✓
    • Primordial being
      Chaos ✓
    • Mythical creature
      Kampe ✓
  • Which of the following locations are visited by Little Owl and Night Owl?
    • Sparta
    • Ithaca
    • Crete
    • Athens  ✓
    • Troy
  • A hero is a person admired for their courage, noble qualities, and achievements.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Myths are closely associated with which genre of literature?
    • science fiction
    • poetry
    • mystery
    • folklore  ✓
    • biography
  • Which of the following are examples of actions a hero might perform in a Greek myth?
    • slay a monstrous beast which is endangering people  ✓
    • return a special artefact  ✓
    • hurt others intentionally
    • help solve a problem  ✓
    • mislead or lie to someone


  • Q1: Reproduced with kind permission of Flying Eye Books Ltd © Marchella Ward and Sander Berg 2020
