Starter quiz

  • Select the two examples of the lowercase letter i from below.
    • i  ✓
    • t
    • l
    • i  ✓
    • l
  • Select the two examples of the letter l from below.
    • t
    • l  ✓
    • i
    • l  ✓
    • t
  • Select the two examples of the letter t from below.
    • i
    • t  ✓
    • t  ✓
    • l
    • i
  • Which two activities can help us to strengthen our hands and prepare for handwriting?
    • Practising handwriting patterns.  ✓
    • Listening to loud music.
    • Doing hand and wrist exercises.  ✓
    • Jumping up and down.
    • Going for a run.
  • What are the three signs that this person is ready to practise their handwriting?
    What are the three signs that this person is ready to practise their handwriting?
    • Their feet are flat on the floor.  ✓
    • They are sitting up straight with their back against the chair.  ✓
    • They are crossing their legs.
    • They are slouched down in their chair.
    • Their stomach is touching the table.  ✓
  • Match the word with the definition.
    • Hand warm-ups
      Exercises that make our hands stronger. ✓
    • Tripod grip
      Using three fingers to hold our pencil properly. ✓
    • Handwriting patterns
      Patterns to practise which help our handwriting. ✓