Starter quiz

  • Which picture shows one cupcake?
  • Complete this sentence: Nouns ...
    • only come at the end of a sentence.
    • only come at the start of a sentence.
    • name people, places and things.  ✓
  • Match the noun types.
    • a shopkeeper
      person ✓
    • a shop
      place ✓
    • a lemon
      thing ✓
  • Tick the two common nouns.
    • stick  ✓
    • Cardiff
    • man  ✓
    • Westminster Abbey
  • What is the proper noun in this sentence? Sam likes dancing.
    • 'Sam' ✓
  • Match the noun type to its definition.
    • proper noun
      a naming word that always has a capital letter ✓
    • common noun
      a naming word that does not always have a capital letter ✓