Starter quiz

  • What do storybooks often have in them?
    • illustrations  ✓
    • videos
    • facts
    • words  ✓
  • Which of these words are adjectives: The mean, angry troll shouted.
    • mean  ✓
    • angry  ✓
    • troll
    • shouted
  • What do we call the name of a book?
    • author
    • illustrator
    • title  ✓
    • illustration
  • What is the person who draws the pictures for a book called?
    • author
    • illustrator  ✓
    • title
    • illustration
  • Which of these are characters from the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"?
    • meadow
    • bridge
    • troll  ✓
    • goat  ✓
  • Which of these is a setting in the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"?
    • meadow  ✓
    • bridge  ✓
    • troll
    • goat