Starter quiz

  • What is a character?
    • what happens in the story
    • where the story takes place
    • the name of a story
    • a person or an animal in a story  ✓
  • Match the word to the word class from this sentence: The old bridge rattled noisily.
    • old
      adjective ✓
    • bridge
      noun ✓
    • rattled
      verb ✓
    • noisily
      adverb ✓
  • Which adjectives describe the troll?
    • friendly
    • gentle
    • mean  ✓
    • angry  ✓
  • How are the goats feeling at the start of the story?
    • hungry  ✓
    • full
    • happy
    • sleepy
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • plot
      what happens in the story ✓
    • setting
      where a story takes place ✓
    • character
      a person or animal in a story ✓
  • Order the main events in the story.
    • 1
      The billy goats are fed up of eating dry, brown grass.
    • 2
      The billy goats take it in turns to cross the bridge where the mean troll lives.
    • 3
      The billy goats get to the lush, green meadow and enjoy eating the grass.