Starter quiz

  • Which of these do we use when we make a plan?
    • paragraphs
    • notes  ✓
    • full sentences
  • What is the purpose of writing notes?
    • to help the writer organise information easily for future use  ✓
    • to help the writer practise their handwriting
    • to help the writer by writing the full sentences they'll use
  • When note-taking, which of these do we use?
    • drawings
    • photographs
    • bullet points  ✓
  • Do we need to use capital letters, full stops and commas in our notes when planning?
    • yes
    • no  ✓
    • only if we are writing full sentences
  • The Great Fire of London started in which person's bakery?
    • King Charles II
    • Thomas Farriner  ✓
    • The Lord Mayor
  • The bakery where the fire started was located in which city?
    • York
    • London  ✓
    • Glasgow