Starter quiz

  • When did the Great Fire of London start?
    • Sunday 22nd September 1660
    • Saturday 1st September 1666
    • Sunday 2nd September 1666  ✓
    • Thursday 6th September 1666
    • Sunday 2nd December 1666
  • How did the fire start in Thomas Farriner's bakery?
    • He knocked over a candle.
    • From a spark from his oven.  ✓
    • One of his children accidentally started it.
  • Which of these could be used to describe the weather conditions on the day the fire started?
    • wet
    • dry  ✓
    • hot  ✓
    • cold
    • windy  ✓
  • Which of these were reasons why the fire spread so quickly?
    • The houses were close together.  ✓
    • The rain made the houses damp.
    • The streets were narrow.  ✓
  • In 1666, what were houses mostly made from?
    • wood  ✓
    • metal
    • brick
  • Which of these are examples of equipment people used to help them tackle the fire?
    • buckets  ✓
    • water squirts  ✓
    • fire engines
    • helicopters
    • axes  ✓