Starter quiz

  • Tick the two common nouns:
    • children  ✓
    • play
    • football  ✓
    • fast
  • Tick the two proper nouns:
    • girl
    • Izzy  ✓
    • sing
    • Norway  ✓
  • Match the word class and word correctly:
    • noun
      car ✓
    • adjective
      speedy ✓
    • verb
      drive ✓
    • adverb
      slowly ✓
  • Tick the sentence which has the correct punctuation:
    • The dog is called spot.
    • the dog is called Spot.
    • The dog is called Spot.  ✓
    • the dog is called spot
  • I love bugs. This is an example of
    • a phrase.
    • an expanded noun phrase.
    • a simple sentence.  ✓
  • Match these verbs correctly:
    • doing verb
      play ✓
    • being verb
      is ✓