Starter quiz

  • Tick the sentence with the correct punctuation.
    • the baby cried
    • The baby cried
    • The baby cried.  ✓
    • the baby cried.
  • Match these key words to their definition:
    • verb
      a doing or being word ✓
    • common noun
      a naming word that does not need a capital letter ✓
    • proper noun
      a naming word that does need a capital letter ✓
    • adverb
      a word that describes a verb ✓
  • Which sentences make complete sense?
    • Pass me your book.  ✓
    • your book
    • Where is
    • Where is your book?  ✓
  • A simple sentence must...
    • contain a proper noun.
    • be written in the past tense.
    • make complete sense.  ✓
    • contain a verb.  ✓
  • Match the verb type:
    • doing word
      dig ✓
    • being word
      is ✓
  • Identify the verb in this sentence: The sky is blue.
    • 'is' ✓