Starter quiz

  • Every sentence must begin with a…
    • fronted adverbial or time
    • capital letter  ✓
    • noun
    • verb
  • Complete this sentence with the correct word: A recount retells events that have happened in the __________.
    • past  ✓
    • present
    • future
  • Identify the past tense verb in the following sentence: We ate lunch.
    • We
    • ate  ✓
    • lunch
  • Match the punctuation mark to its name.
    • .
      full stop ✓
    • ,
      comma ✓
    • ?
      question mark ✓
    • !
      exclamation mark ✓
  • Identify the questions.
    • What is your name?  ✓
    • The park is big.
    • Do you want to play?  ✓
    • The children are playing.
  • Which fronted adverbial is often used at the beginning of a recount?
    • First,  ✓
    • After that,
    • Finally,