Starter quiz

  • What do you need to start practising your handwriting?
    • pencil  ✓
    • television
    • table  ✓
    • bed
    • chair  ✓
  • What is the name of the best pencil grip?
    • tripod grip  ✓
    • quadpod grip
    • hexpod grip
  • What can help you prepare for handwriting?
    • practising handwriting patterns  ✓
    • warming up your hands and wrists  ✓
    • exercising your legs and feet
    • getting into a comfortable sitting position  ✓
    • laying down on your bed
  • Order the letters alphabetically.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • Can you match the lower case letters with their capital letters?
    • a
      A ✓
    • b
      B ✓
    • c
      C ✓
    • d
      D ✓
    • e
      E ✓
  • Can you match the lower case letters with their capital letters?
    • g
      G ✓
    • h
      H ✓
    • j
      J ✓
    • k
      K ✓
    • m
      M ✓