Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are nocturnal animals?
    • hedgehogs  ✓
    • bats  ✓
    • dogs
    • squirrels
    • badgers  ✓
  • Which of these is a time when hedgehogs are not awake?
    • night
    • dawn
    • dusk
    • day  ✓
  • Hedgehogs are recognisable because of the ...
    • wings they have.
    • spikes on their backs.  ✓
    • long tails they use to climb.
  • What are the spikes on a hedgehog's back called?
    • spines  ✓
    • bones
    • pins
  • What does a hedgehog do when it wants to protect itself from predators?
    • climb a tree
    • roll into a ball  ✓
    • point its snout at the predator
  • Which of these is not somewhere a hedgehog might make its habitat?
    • hedges
    • bushes
    • shrubs
    • trees  ✓