Starter quiz

  • Diaries are written about ...
    • made-up characters
    • made-up settings
    • real events  ✓
  • When writing a diary pretending to be another person, you are writing from that person's ...
    • house
    • perspective  ✓
    • opinion
  • True or false? Past tense tells the reader that something happened before now.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which of these verbs are past tense?
    • see
    • seeing
    • saw  ✓
  • Which of these words would you find in a piece of writing written in the 'first person'?
    • you
    • me  ✓
    • they
  • When we write, which of these do we always try and do?
    • Read our sentences out loud to check they make sense and edit to improve  ✓
    • Never read our sentences out loud
    • Read the first sentence out loud only