Starter quiz

  • Which one of these most often comes at the end of a sentence?
    • capital letter
    • noun
    • full stop  ✓
    • verb
  • Match the word with the correct definition.
    • noun
      a naming word for people, places or things ✓
    • adjective
      a word that describes a noun ✓
    • adverb
      a word that describes a verb ✓
    • verb
      a doing or being word ✓
  • Tick the sentence that has the correct punctuation:
    • the children played.
    • the children played
    • The children played.  ✓
    • The children played
  • Tick the nouns:
    • digging
    • Jacob  ✓
    • hot
    • bucket  ✓
  • What is the verb in this sentence? The teacher clapped his hands.
    • teacher
    • clapped  ✓
    • the
    • hands
  • Which of these sentences makes complete sense?
    • the mud
    • Lucas is muddy.  ✓
    • Clean the mud off your boots.  ✓
    • your boots.