Starter quiz

  • Match each word to the number of phonemes it contains.
    • delete
      5 ✓
    • see
      2 ✓
    • cheat
      3 ✓
  • Select the correct word to complete the sentence so it makes sense. 'I would never __________ a cookie from the cookie jar.'
    • steal  ✓
    • steel
    • stele
  • Choose two more spellings that can also represent the sound 'ee' like in tree.
    • e-e  ✓
    • ea  ✓
    • oe
    • i
    • ay
  • Choose two words that rhyme with the word steam.
    • keep
    • team  ✓
    • steal
    • dream  ✓
    • freeze
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word to complete this sentence. 'The __________ finished the race in a record time.'
    • athleet
    • athlete  ✓
    • afleat
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word to complete this sentence. 'My younger brother is __________ years old.'
    • three  ✓
    • free
    • threa