Starter quiz

  • How many syllables in the word moment?
    • 1
    • 2  ✓
    • 3
    • 4
  • Choose two words that are nouns.
    • doe  ✓
    • go
    • toe  ✓
    • below
    • no
  • Match the word to the spelling it uses for the 'oa' sound.
    • foe
      'oe' ✓
    • bonus
      'o' ✓
    • woe
      'oe' ✓
    • so
      'o' ✓
  • Choose the three common spellings of the oa sound.
    • o
    • oa  ✓
    • o-e  ✓
    • oe
    • ow  ✓
  • Pick the spelling that matches the sentence. I will wait for you __________.
    • hear
    • here  ✓
    • her
    • heer
  • Correct the spelling in bold in the following sentence: It is important not to lose foacus in your lesssons.
    • 'focus' ✓