Starter quiz

  • Match each word to the number of phonemes it contains.
    • valley
      4 ✓
    • belief
      5 ✓
    • she
      2 ✓
  • Choose the spellings that can make the long ee sounds.
    • ie  ✓
    • a
    • e  ✓
    • ae
    • e-e  ✓
  • Choose words that rhyme with the word we.
    • she  ✓
    • they
    • he  ✓
    • be  ✓
    • evil
  • Choose the rare spellings of the ee sound.
    • e  ✓
    • ie  ✓
    • ey  ✓
    • y  ✓
    • ee
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word to complete this sentence "The __________ swung through the trees".
    • monkey  ✓
    • monke
    • monky
  • Choose the ee spellings that match the words.
    • Egypt
      e ✓
    • baby
      y ✓
    • belief
      ie ✓
    • key
      ey ✓