Starter quiz

  • Which of these comes at the start of a sentence?
    • verb
    • noun
    • capital letter  ✓
    • joining word
  • Match the sentence type to the correct example.
    • simple sentence
      Let's go to the farm. ✓
    • compound sentence
      Let's go to the farm and we can feed the baby lambs. ✓
  • What must every sentence contain in order to make complete sense?
    • an adjective
    • a verb  ✓
    • an adverb
    • a joining word
  • Tick the sentences that make complete sense on their own.
    • The wolf.
    • The wolf howled.  ✓
    • howled
    • The wolf howled loudly at the moon.  ✓
  • Tick the joining words.
    • and  ✓
    • the
    • my
    • but  ✓
  • Joining words...
    • can join two adjectives.
    • can join two words or ideas.  ✓
    • always come at the end of a sentence.
    • always come at the start of a sentence.