Starter quiz

  • Which classification group would contain the most organisms?
    • domain  ✓
    • species
    • kingdom
    • family
    • class
  • Match the names of the three domains to the organisms that are classified into them.
    • eukaryota
      animals, plants, fungi and protists ✓
    • bacteria
      true bacteria ✓
    • archaea
      extremophiles that live in extreme environments ✓
  • What is the primary characteristic that distinguishes eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells?
    • cell membrane
    • membrane bound nucleus  ✓
    • cytoplasm
    • cell wall
  • What major advancement did Carl Woese contribute to the field of classification?
    • introduction of the binomial naming system
    • discovery of the structure of DNA
    • development of the three-domain system  ✓
    • formulation of the theory of evolution
  • What are the three domains proposed by Carl Woese in his classification system?
    • bacteria  ✓
    • archaea  ✓
    • animals
    • eukaryota  ✓
    • protists
  • How did Linnaeus classify organisms in his classification system?
    • based on genetic similarity and differences
    • based on their ecological niche
    • based on their observable and measurable characteristics  ✓