Starter quiz

  • When wood burns it reacts with which gas?
    • carbon dioxide
    • water vapour
    • oxygen  ✓
    • nitrogen
  • When a fuel containing carbon is burnt which gas will be produced?
    • nitrogen
    • oxygen
    • argon
    • carbon dioxide  ✓
  • What is a chemical test for carbon dioxide?
    • bubble through limewater and it will turn cloudy  ✓
    • place a glowing splint in the gas and it will relight
    • white anhydrous copper sulfate crystals will turn blue
  • What is the scientific name for burning?
    • respiration
    • photosynthesis
    • combustion  ✓
    • precipitation
  • Which of the following are examples of fossil fuels?
    • crude oil  ✓
    • nuclear fuel
    • natural gas  ✓
    • coal  ✓
  • Match the scientific key terms with the correct definition
    • hydrocarbons
      molecules made of hydrogen and carbon atoms only ✓
    • conservation of mass
      the total mass of reactants equals the total mass of products formed  ✓
    • exothermic reactions
      chemical reactions in which thermal energy is given out ✓
    • fossil fuels
      fuels made over millions of years from dead plants and animals ✓