Starter quiz

  • Below, there are six different models for representing the bonding and structure in the compound ethane. Match the image to the correct type of model.
    Below, there are six different models for representing the bonding and structure in the compound ethane. Match the image to the correct type of model.
    • a
      dot-and-cross diagram ✓
    • b
      molecular formula ✓
    • c
      ball-and-stick model ✓
    • d
      empirical formula ✓
    • e
      displayed formula ✓
    • f
      space-filling model ✓
  • What do the dots and crosses typically represent in dot-and-cross diagrams?
    • 'electrons' ✓
  • Which of the following are limitations of the empirical formula when representing molecules?
    • it does not show the types of bonds  ✓
    • it does not indicate the actual number of atoms  ✓
    • it does not provide any spatial information  ✓
    • it serves as a step towards determining the molecular formula
  • Which model would not be appropriate to represent the bonding and/or structure in metals?
    • ball-and-stick
    • space-filling
    • dot-and-cross  ✓
    • delocalised "sea" of electrons
  • What advantage does the ball-and-stick model have over the space-filling model?
    • It shows the actual size of atoms more accurately.
    • It clearly shows which atoms/ions have bonded.  ✓
    • It is easier to see the overall shape of the substance.
    • It is more accurate in depicting electron sharing.
  • Which representation is most suitable for illustrating the arrangement of ions in a giant ionic lattice?
    • molecular formula
    • ball-and-stick model  ✓
    • displayed formula
    • empirical formula