Starter quiz

  • What does the term 'allotrope' mean in chemistry?
    • a type of chemical reaction
    • a different physical form in which an element can exist  ✓
    • a compound formed from two or more elements
    • a mixture of two substances
  • Match the carbon allotrope to its primary use.
    • diamond
      cutting tools ✓
    • graphite
      lubricant ✓
    • coal
      fuel ✓
  • Which statement correctly describes the bonding in graphite?
    • Each atom forms four single bonds with other atoms.
    • Each atom forms double bonds with three other atoms.
    • Each atom forms three single bonds with other atoms and has one free electron.  ✓
    • Each carbon atom is bonded to four other atoms in a layered hexagonal structure.
  • Graphite is used as a lubricant because it is ...
    • oily and wet.
    • hard and durable.
    • soft and slippery.  ✓
    • sticky and thick.
  • Why does graphite conduct electricity?
    • it has free moving ions
    • each carbon atom donates multiple electrons to a 'sea of electrons'
    • it contains metallic bonds
    • one electron from each carbon atom is delocalised across the structure  ✓
  • Graphite exists as a layered structure of hexagonal rings of carbon atoms, each bonded to three other atoms. Between the layers there are weak ______ holding them together.
    • forces of attraction  ✓
    • intermolecular forces
    • covalent bonds
    • ionic bonds
    • metallic bonds