Starter quiz

  • What are the building blocks of all matter?
    • molecules
    • compounds
    • atoms  ✓
  • Atoms cannot be created or ...
    • 'destroyed' ✓
  • Match the formulae of the substances to the name of the substance. Use your periodic table to help.
    • CO₂
      carbon dioxide ✓
    • MgO
      magnesium oxide ✓
    • CaCO₃
      calcium carbonate ✓
    • NaCl
      sodium chloride ✓
    • AgBr
      silver bromide ✓
    • NH₃
      ammonia ✓
  • Name the elements and number of atoms of each type in (NH₄)₂SO₄
    • nitrogen (1) hydrogen (4) sodium (4)
    • nitrogen hydride (2) sulfur oxide (4)
    • nitrogen (2), hydrogen (8), sulfur (1) and oxygen (4)  ✓
    • nitrogen (2), hydrogen (8) and oxygen (4)
    • ammonium (2), sulfur (1) and oxygen (4)
  • Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water as steam. Match up the following statements to make complete sentences about this reaction.
    • All the reactants and products are ...
      gases shown by the state symbol (g). ✓
    • Water is ...
      a gas as it is steam. ✓
    • The symbol equation for the reaction is:
      2H₂ (g) + O₂(g) → 2H₂O(g) ✓
    • There are the same number of atoms ...
      of oxygen (2) and hydrogen (4) in the reactants and products. ✓
    • The word equation for the reaction is:
      hydrogen + oxygen → water (dihydrogenoxide) ✓
  • Methane (CH₄) burns to produce carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O). Count how many atoms of each element are on the left and right hand side of the equation. Are they equal? CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O
    • carbon (1), hydrogen (4) oxygen (4)-> carbon (1), hydrogen (4) oxygen (4) No
    • carbon (1), hydrogen (4) oxygen (2)-> carbon (1), hydrogen (4) oxygen (3) Yes
    • carbon (4), hydrogen (4) oxygen (2)-> carbon (2), hydrogen (4) oxygen (3) Yes
    • carbon (1), hydrogen (4) oxygen (4)-> carbon (1), hydrogen (4) oxygen (4) Yes  ✓