Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are greenhouse gases?
    • methane  ✓
    • water vapour  ✓
    • carbon dioxide  ✓
    • nitrogen
    • sulfur dioxide
  • What key term do we use to describe the layer of gas that surrounds a planet?
    • 'atmosphere' ✓
  • Which of the following is a correct equation for complete combustion?
    • fuel + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water  ✓
    • carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen
    • fuel + oxygen → carbon + water
    • fuel + oxygen → carbon monoxide + water
  • Which of the following is the correct equation for respiration?
    • carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen
    • fuel + oxygen → carbon monoxide + water
    • glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water  ✓
  • Which of the following lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
    • photosynthesis
    • deforestation  ✓
    • complete combustion of fossil fuels  ✓
    • carbon dioxide dissolving in the oceans
  • Order the statements to describe how carbon dioxide becomes 'locked up' in sedimentary rocks.
    • 1
      carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in the oceans
    • 2
      carbon dioxide in the oceans reacts to form carbonate compounds
    • 3
      carbonate compounds are used in animal shells and bones
    • 4
      when the animals die the shells and bones settle at the bottom of the ocean
    • 5
      over millions of years sedimentary rocks form from these sediments